# 为什么要学习微积分?
https://www.tumblr.com/flavoracle/167150535757/its-sad-how-much-of-what-is-taught-in-school-is > https://www.zhihu.com/question/336322284/answer/759641177
I took calculus my senior year of high school, and I really liked the way our teacher framed this on the first day of class.
He asked somebody to raise their hand and ask him when we would use calculus in our everyday life. So one student rose their hand and asked, “When are we going to use this in our everyday life?”
“NEVER!!” the teacher exclaimed. “You will never use calculus in your normal, everyday life. In fact, very few of you will use it in your professional careers either.” Then he paused. “So would you like to know why should care?”
Several us nodded.
He picked out one of the varsity football players in the class. “You practice football a lot during the week, right Tim?” asked the teacher.
“Yeah,” replied Tim. “Almost every day.”
“Do you and your teammates ever lift weights during practice?”
“Yeah. Tuesdays and Thursdays we spend a lot of practice in the weight room.”
“But why?” asked the teacher. “Is there ever going to be a play your coach tells you use during a game that requires you to bench press the other team?”
“No, of course not.”
“Then why lift weights?”
“Because it makes us stronger,” said Tim.
“Bingo!!” said the teacher. “It’s the same thing with calculus. You’re not here because you’re going to use calculus in your everyday life. You’re here because calculus is weightlifting for your brain.
And I’ve never forgotten that.
总结: 学习微积分,不是因为要在日常生活中使用,而是因为它让你的思维变得更强大。
# 微积分本质是什么
大学的知识,才几年就全部还给老师了 😂,下面复习一下
,简单说就是大小无限趋向于的量. 很多整体分析太过复杂的物理量可以用无穷小量分析,其原因是无穷小量可以被线性化.
# 微分
# 积分
# 积分的应用
# 编程与微积分
程序员工作中 99.99%的时间用不上微积分,但许多计算机科学领域都需要用到微积分知识,例如机器学习、计算机图形学、计算机视觉等。
当遇到相关问题的时候,我们能反应过来: 哦,这个微积分能算,让我Google研究一下